Un sprijin financiar din partea Bisericii Grossmünster din Zürich și organizației Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) Literaturdienst a facilitat achiziția a zeci de cărți noi de teologie.
Literatură teologică nouă achiziționată recent

În ianuarie 2016 Institutul Teologic Protestant și HEKS au semnat un acord comun pentru următorii trei ani, în care HEKS sa angajat să finanțeze în cadrul unui buget 80% din achizițiile de carte ale bibliotecii, restul de 20% fiind asigurate de Institutul Teologic Protestant. În prima tranșă a acestui proiect Biblioteca a reușit să cumpere mai multe zeci de cărți noi de la diferite edituri internaționale, care vor contribui la dezvoltarea educației și vor facilita cercetarea aprofundată în cadrul Institutului Teologic, dar și în această regiune a Europei, unde puțini își pot permite luxul de a avea la dispoziție un asemenea depozit de literatură, oricât de esențială ar părea acesta.
Toate cărțile au fost catalogate în baza de date ale Bibliotecii și stau la dispoziția cititorilor și cercetătorilor.
# | Autor | Titlu | An |
1. | Allen, Ronald James | Theology for preaching : authority, truth and knowledge of God in postmodern ethos / | 1997 |
2. | Allen, Ronald James | Preaching and the other : studies of postmodern insights / | 2014 |
3. | Baden, Joel S. | The composition of the Pentateuch : renewing the documentary hypothesis / | 2012 |
4. | Barkley, John M. | The worship of the reformed church / | 2002 |
5. | Beuken, Willem A. M. | Jesaja 28-39 / | 2010 |
6. | Blenkinsopp, Joseph | Isaiah : a new translation with introduction and commentary / | 2002-2010 |
7. | Burtchaell, James Tunstead | From synagogue to church : public services and offices in the earliest Christian communities / | 1992 |
8. | Carr, David McLain | The formation of the Hebrew Bible : a new reconstruction / | 2011 |
9. | Chapell, Bryan | Christ-centered worship : letting the Gospel shape our practice / | 2009 |
10. | Di Berardino, Angelo | Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity / | 2014 |
11. | Dix, Gregory | The shape of the liturgy / | 2015 |
12. | Engemann, Wilfried | Einführung in die Homiletik / | 2011 |
13. | Fee, Gordon D. | Paul's Letter to the Philippians / | 1995 |
14. | Gesenius, Wilhelm | Hebräisches und aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament / | 2013 |
15. | Grethlein, Christian | Grundinformation Kasualien : Kommunikation des evangeliums an Übergängen des Lebens / | 2007 |
16. | Guide, An Alciun | The study of liturgy and worship / | 2013 |
17. | Harder, Ulf | Prävention in der Seelsorge : vorgestellt am Beispiel der Eheseelsorge / | 2012 |
18. | Herbst, Michael | Beziehungsweise : Grundlagen und Praxisfelder evangelischer Seelsorge / | 2013 |
19. | Keller, Timothy (presbit. lkp.) | Preaching : communicating faith in an age of skepticism / | cop. 2015 |
20. | Long, Thomas G. | Accompany them with singing : the Christian funeral / | 2009 |
21. | Long, Thomas G. | What shall we say? : evil, suffering and the crisis of faith / | 2013 |
22. | Long, Thomas G. | The good funeral : death, grief and the community of care / | 2013 |
23. | Merle, Kristin | Alltagsrelevanz : zur Frage nach dem Sinn in der Seelsorge / | 2011 |
24. | Miller, Barbara Day | The new pastor"s guide to leading worship / | 2006 |
25. | O'Brien, Peter Thomas | The Epistle to the Philippians : a commentary on the Greek text / | 1991 |
26. | Otto, Eckart | Theologische Ethik des Alten Testaments / | 1994 |
27. | Parett, Gary A. | Teaching the faith, forming the faithful : a biblical vision for education in the church / | 2009 |
28. | Peterson, David | Engaging with God : a biblical theology of worship / | 1992 |
29. | Quicke, Michael J. | Preaching as worship : an integrative approach to formation in your church / | 2000 |
30. | Reumann, John | Philippians : a new translation with introduction and commentary / | 2008 |
31. | Rice, Howard L. | Reformed worship / | 2001 |
32. | Ringgaard Lorensen, Marlene | Dialogical preaching : Bakhtin, otherness and homiletics / | 2014 |
33. | Roberts, M. J. J. | First Isaiah : a commentary / | 2015 |
34. | Römer, Thomas | The so-called Deuteronomistic history a sociological, historical and literary introduction / | 2007 |
35. | Salicbury, Matthew Cheung | Hear my voice, O God : functional dimensions of Christian worship / | 2014 |
36. | Schirrmacher, Freimut | Seelsorge als Beziehungsgeschehen : Perspektiven zur Weiterentwicklung der Seelsorgepraxis / | 2012 |
37. | Schmeller, Thomas | Der zweite Brief an die Korinther. Teilband 1-2. / | 2010-2015 |
38. | Schmemann, Alexander | Of water and the spirit : a liturgical study of baptism / | 1974 |
39. | Schmemann, Alexander | Introduction to liturgical theology / | 1986 |
40. | Schmid, Konrad | Literaturgeschichte des Alten Testaments : eine Einführung / | 2014 |
41. | Schmid, Konrad | Jesaja. Band I. / | 2011 |
42. | Schnelle, Udo | The history and theology of the New Testament writings / | 1998 |
43. | Schnelle, Udo | Die ersten 100 Jahre des Christentums : 30 - 130 n. Chr. ; die Entstehungsgeschichte einer Weltreligion / | 2016 |
44. | Schnelle, Udo | Theology of the New Testament / | 2009 |
45. | Senn, Frank C. | Introduction to Christian liturgy / | 2012 |
46. | Senn, Frank C. | The people's work : a social history of the liturgy / | 2010 |
47. | Senn, Frank C. | Christian liturgy : Catholic and Evangelical / | 1997 |
48. | Stevens, John G. | Rhythms of worship : the planning and purpose of liturgy / | 2014 |
49. | Theobold, Rolf | Kurzzeit-Seelsorge : ein Praxisbuch / | 2015 |
50. | Tov, Emanuel | The text-critical use of the Septuagint in biblical research / | 2015 |
51. | Tov, Emanuel | Textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible / | 2012 |
52. | Troxel, Ronald L. | Prophetic literature : from oracles to books / | 2012 |
53. | Wallace, Robin Knowles | Worshiping in the small membership church / | 2008 |
54. | Williamson, Hugh G. M. | A critical and exegetical commentary on Isaiah 1-27 / | 2006 |
55. | Wilson, Paul Scott | The practice of preaching / | 1995 |
56. | Wilson, Paul Scott | The four pages of the sermon : a guide to biblical preaching / | 1999 |
57. | Wright, Nicholas Thomas | Christian origins and the question of God. 1-3. vol. / | 1992 |
58. | --- | Household and family religion in antiquity / | 2014 |
59. | --- | Homiletika : aktuelle Konzepte und ihre Umsetzung / | 2012 |
60. | --- | Liturgies of the Western Church / | 1980 |
61. | --- | Menschen mit Depression : Orientierungen und Impulse für die Praxis in Kirchengemeinden : Arbeitsmaterialien / | 2014 |
62. | --- | Menschen mit Depression : Orientierungen und Impulse für die Praxis in Kirchengemeinden / | 2014 |
63. | --- | Grundinformation Altes Testament : eine Einführung in Literatur, Religion und Geschichte des Alten Testaments / | 2007 |
64. | --- | What's the matter with preaching today? / | 2004 |
65. | --- | Ancient Israel's history : an introduction to issues and sources / | 2014 |
66. | --- | Habakkuk : a new translation with introduction and commentary / | 2001 |
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